University Professor, PhD. Kinga Kuszak
Faculty of Educational Studies
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Telephone: (0-61) 829 21 52
* M.A. – Faculty of Educational Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 1996
* Doctorate - Faculty of Educational Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 2004
* Habilitation – Faculty of Educational Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 2012
* Associate Professor – Faculty of Educational Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 2013
Research areas:
* Preschool and early school education
* Small child pedagogy
* Child's development
* Prevention of speech disorders
* Communication and language skills
* Speech development disorders
Research interests:
* Proper development of a child in various periods of development
* Rate of changes in various periods of development
* Stimulating child development
* The development of competences in the individual periods of development and in particular: the development of language and communication skills in childhood
* Language education in childhood
* Humor and jest as a child's competences
* Prevention and therapy of speech disorders
Professional experience:
a.) Positions and functions at Adam Mickiewicz University
* Employee of the Department of Elementary Education and Pedagogical Therapy
* Deputy Dean for Students Affairs and Organization of Education, Faculty of Educational Studies
* Head of the Faculty Didactic Team, Faculty of Educational Studies
* Member of the Program Board of the Inter-Area Individual Studies In the Humanities and Social Sciences, AMU.
* Member of the Rector's Committee for full-time studies, AMU
Positions and functions outside Adam Mickiewicz University
* Member of the Elementary Education Team of the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Membership in professional organizations:
* Polish Educational Research Association
Grants and research project
The child in the school reality. The assumed and the real picture of elementary education, 2008-2011, team member
Participation in conferences (selected)
* Polish Pedagogical Meeting: Survival and development as inalienable duties of education; Wrocław, 2004;
Title of paper: Ways of achieving independence by preschool children
* National Scientific Conference: Activity and activation in a changing reality, Kazimierz Dolny, 2006; Title of the paper: The independence of a child in the perception of the teacher and the peers
* National Scientific Conference: Supporting the development of children and youth in the process of early education, Wrocław, 2007; Title of the paper: Difficulties in acquiring linguistic competences and supporting and stimulating the development of a child's speech during the preschool period
* National Scientific Conference: Learning, experiencing and exploring the social and cultural reality in education, Katowice, 2008; Title of the paper: The communication skills of children as determinants of effective functioning in the social and cultural reality
* National Scientific Conference: Preventing the social disadvantaging of children and youth. The socio-educational context, Łódź, 2008; Title of the paper: The level of communication competence and the child's disadvantaging in the school environment
* International Scientific Conference: Education in the context of the needs, possibilities, solutions, Ustka, 2009; Title of the paper: Communication competence of children - characteristics and stimulation needs
* International Scientific Conference: Small child education. Chances and dangers, Cieszyn, 2011; Title of the paper: The linguistic picture of the contemporary family - analysis on the basis of statements of students in younger school age
* International Scientific Conference: The Educational and Social World of a Child. Discourses of Communication, Subjectivity and Cybogization, Poznań, 2014; Title of the paper: Social fear and selective mutism as communication disorders in middle and late childhood - Seeking common denominators
* National Scientific Conference: Child and philosophy in the context of early education, Szczecin, 2015; Title of the paper: Child's philosophy of humor and its linguistic interpretation
* International Scientific Conference: Sociolinguistic research in theory and practice - an interdisciplinary approach, Gdańsk, 2015 Title of the paper: Specialized vocabulary in the language of a child as a reflection of their interests and experiences
* International Scientific Conference: Small child education. The teacher and the child in the time of crisis of education. On the issues of the functioning of the system of education of little children - directions of changes , Cieszyn-Ustroń, 2015; Title of the paper: A child as a professional. Utilization of the students' interests in the process of developing linguistic competences
* International Scientific Conference: The Educational and Social World of a Child, Poznań, 2016; Title of the paper: Child in the sphere of the native language
* International Pedagogical and Linguistic Research Conference: The educational role of the language. Learn to speak, speak to learn, Gdańsk, 2016; Title of the paper: Humor and jest in literature for children
* 5th Phraseology Symposium: The prospects of contemporary phraseology. Phraseology in styles and genres of speech, Poznań, 2016; Title of the paper: Collocations in the interpretation of preschool and early school age children
* International Scientific Conference: The role and place of Dalton education in transforming the Polish education system, Poznań, 2016; Title of the paper: The present and the future as a challenge for preschool education
* International Scientific Conference: Art Educational space in the context of modern educational peradigm formation, Kirovograd, 2016; Title of the paper: Cultural experiences of society written in the language
International cooperation and study visits
* 2003 Humboldt University, Germany - study visit,
* 2006 Hertogenbosch, Netherlands - study visit
* 2015 University of Zilina, Slovakia - study visit
* 2016 The Hague, Netherlands, study visit, research project
* 2016 London, United Kingdom - study visit
* 2016 Kirovograd, Ukraine - scientific conference
* 2005 - 2nd Degree Collective Award of the Rector of AMU for achievements in scientific work
* 2006 - 2nd Degree Individual Award of the Rector of AMU for achievements in scientific work
* 2011 - 1st Degree Special Prize for university teachers with the highest ratio of effectiveness in publishing scientific papers
* 2008 - Award of the Dean of the Faculty of Educational Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University for organizational activities in the years 2002-2008
* 2009 - Award of the Dean of the Faculty of Educational Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University for achievements in scientific activity in the years 2005-2009
* 2012 - 3rd Degree Individual Award of the Rector of AMU for achievements in scientific work,
* 2013 - 3rd Degree Individual Award of the Rector of AMU for achievements in teaching work,
* 2014 - 3rd Degree Individual Award of the Rector of AMU for achievements in teaching work,
* 2015 - 3rd Degree Individual Award of the Rector of AMU for achievements in organizational work,
* 2015 - 2nd Degree Individual Award of the Rector of AMU for achievements in scientific work,
* 2015 - Diploma of the Dean of the Faculty of Educational Studies for outstanding scientific scoring achievements in the group of independent researchers of the Faculty of Educational Studies in terms of publication activity
* 2016 - 3rd Degree Individual Award of the Rector of AMU for achievements in teaching work,
* 2016 - 3rd Degree Collective Award of the Rector of AMU
* Kinga Kuszak - Rate of development of independence of preschool children, UAM, Poznań, 2006.
* Kinga Kuszak - Child independent at school. Empirical study of the school fate of children with different levels of independence , Garmond, Poznań, 2008.
* Kinga Kuszak - The communication competencies of children in late childhood in terms of development, UAM, Poznań, 2011.
* Kinga Kuszak The world of phraseological collocations in the language of a child - Theoretical inspirations - studies - practical implications, UAM, Poznań, 2014.
* Hanna Krauze-Sikorska, Kinga Kuszak, Grażyna Rura, Katarzyna Sadowska -
Children up to three years of age in the care and education system. Sources of support and threats, UAM Poznań, 2016
* Hanna Krauze-Sikorska, Kinga Kuszak (editors) Selected problems of the psychosocial functioning of children and youth with development difficulties. Prophylaxis, Diagnosis, Therapy., Wydawnictwo Naukowe WSPiA, Poznań, 2008.
* Hanna Krauze-Sikorska, Kinga Kuszak (editors) Active education in preschool and in school. Theory and practice, WSPiA, Poznań, 2010.
* Hanna Krauze-Sikorska, Kinga Kuszak (editors) Selected problems of the psychosocial functioning of children and youth with development difficulties. New challenges - new perspectives, 2nd edition - revised, WSPiA, Poznań, 2011.
* Hanna Krauze-Sikorska, Michał Klichowski, Kinga Kuszak (editors) World of a small child, Vol. I, UAM, Poznań, 2013
* Hanna Krauze-Sikorska, Michał Klichowski, Kinga Kuszak (editors) World of a small child, Vol. II, UAM, Poznań, 2013
Publications – selected articles in periodicals and chapters in book publications
* Kuszak K., Verbal forms of protest as a manifestation of a child's independence, [in:] Studia Edukacyjne (Educational Studies) no. 6/2004,
* Kuszak K., A teacher supporting a child on the way to independence, [in:] "Teraźniejszość, Człowiek, Edukacja" (Present, Man, Education) magazine, no 3/2005
* Kuszak K., A child's independence is shaped in the family, [in:] "Wychowanie na Co Dzień" (Everyday Education), no 9/2006
* Kuszak K., The social context of the development of a child with a speech impediment, [in:] "Szkoła Specjalna" (Special Education School), no 2/2007
* Kuszak K., Developmental disfluency or stuttering - how to recognize the disorder and how to proceed?, [in:] "Wychowanie na Co Dzień" (Everyday Education), no 12/2007
* Kuszak K., Profile of the development of independence of preschool children, [in:] Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny (The Pedagogical Quarterly), no 3/2007
* Kuszak K., Participation of students in the educational discourse. Analysis based on studies of children with different levels of independence [in] Studia Edukacyjne (Educational Studies) no. 8/2008,
* Kuszak K., Difficulties in acquiring linguistic competences and supporting and stimulating the development of a child's speech during the preschool period [in:] Puślecki W. (editor) Supporting the development of children and youth in the process of early education, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej szkoły Wyższej, Wrocław, 2008
* Kuszak K., Child's disadvantage in the school environment as a result of the low level of their communication skills [in:] "Wychowanie na Co Dzień" (Everyday Education), no 10/2009
* Kuszak K., The communication skills of children as determinants of effective functioning in the social and cultural reality [in:] Kisiel M., Huk T. (editors) Reality - persuasiveness - falsification in the optics of upbringing and education, Katowice, 2009
* Kuszak K., Family as the context of the development of a child's communication competences [in:] B. Grzeszkiewicz (editor) Child in educational contexts, Volumina, Szczecin, 2010
* Kuszak K., Communication competence of children - characteristics and stimulation needs [in:] Murawska E. (editor) The image of the school and the teacher. Theoretical and empirical exemplifications, Impuls, Kraków, 2010
* Kuszak K., Logopedic prophylaxis and therapy in Poland - reflections in the context of changes in the care, education and psychological and pedagogical assistance [in:] "Wychowanie na Co Dzień" (Everyday Education), no 1/2011
* Kuszak K., Use of language jokes as an expression of communication skills of the younger students of primary school [in:] Studia Edukacyjne (Educational Studies) no. 18/2011,
* Kuszak K., Language representation of the professional activity of the parents in the interpretation of early school age children [in:] Studia Edukacyjne (Educational Studies) no. 17/2011,
* Kuszak K., Communication competencies of a six-year old child - selected aspects [in:] Adamek I., Zbróg Z. (editors) Child - student and early education, Libron, Kraków, 2011
* Kuszak K., Changes in preschool education as a condition for the improvement of the quality of life during middle childhood [in:] Sowińska H. (editor) The child in the school reality. The assumed and the real picture of elementary education, UAM, Poznań, 2011
* Kuszak K., The language competences of students of the younger grades of primary school [in:] Sowińska H. (editor) The child in the school reality. The assumed and the real picture of elementary education, UAM, Poznań, 2011
* Kuszak K., Selected aspects of the child's participation in the process of communication (analysis in light of the assumptions of the concept of pragmatics of communication) [in:] Studia Edukacyjne (Educational Studies) no. 19/2012,
* Kuszak K., Phraseological collocations in the child's language education - an outline [in:] Studia Edukacyjne (Educational Studies) no. 22/2012,
* Kuszak K., Proverbs as linguistic carriers of value - a pedagogical perspective [in:] Studia Edukacyjne (Educational Studies) no. 26/2013,
* Kuszak K., Paradoxes of school communication - reflections on the selected constraints in the development of students' communication competencies in the contemporary school [in:] Kultura Społeczeństwo Edukacja (Culture Society Education ), no 2 (4)/2013
* Kuszak K., Manifestations of the development of language awareness in childhood and the possibilities for its stimulation, [in:] Cieszyński Almanach Pedagogiczny (Cieszyn Education Almanac), no 3/2014
* Kuszak K., The history and the present written in the language. Pedagogical explorations of the phraseological collocations [in:] Kultura Społeczeństwo Edukacja (Culture Society Education ), no 2 (6)/2014
* Kuszak K. Language competencies of a small child - an outline [in:] Studia Edukacyjne (Educational Studies) no. 33/2014,
* Kuszak K., Family and school inhibitors of communication competencies of the youngest students [in:] Cywińska M. (editor) Various faces of difficult childhood. Family and educational contexts, UAM, 2014
* Kuszak K., Child within a given role - the verbal aspect [in:] Studia Edukacyjne (Educational Studies) no. 37/2015,
* Kuszak K., Social fear and selective mutism as communication disorders in middle and late childhood: Seeking common denominators [in:] Krauze-Sikorska, Klichowski (editors) "The Educational and Social World of a Child Discourses of Communication, Subjectivity and Cyborgization” Poznań 2015
* Kuszak K., Verbal communication skills in the knowledge society [in:] Uszyńska-Jarmoc, Nadachewicz K. (editors) The key competences of children and adolescents. Educational practice. Białystok, 2015
* Kuszak K., Counseling and support for parents of children with difficulties in speech development. Expectations and reality. [in:] Magdalena Piorunek (editor) Dimensions of counseling and social support in the interdisciplinary perspective, UAM 2015
* Kuszak K., Language education as part of the cultural education of students [in:] Kurowska B., Łapot-Dzierwa K. (editors) Culture-Art-Education, Pedagogical University, Kraków, 2015
* Kuszak K. Child as an expert. The linguistic area of interests and experiences of children [in:] Mampe J., Makurat H., Owczynnikowa Ł., Marzouk F. (editors) Sociolinguistic research in theory and practice. An interdisciplinary approach, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, 2016, vol. 3
* Kuszak K., "Telling tall tales" and "reading from cover to cover" - cultural experiences contained in the language [in:] Barbara Kurowska, Kinga Łapot-Dzierwa (editors) Culture-Art-Education, vol. II, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2016
* Kuszak K., Language as a reflection of the image of the world of the past and present generations [in:] Kryk G., Solich K., Konopnicka I. (editors) The idea of co-existence and co-operation in the education of children and youth, State Higher Vocational School in Racibórz, Racibórz, 2016
Teaching experience
* Prevention and therapy of speech disorders
* Methodology of psycho-educational classes
* Individualized learning strategies
* Psychoprophylaxis of school failures
* Development of preventive and therapeutic programs