Student Scientific Club of Creative Development of Youth Activity “KRAM”

Student Scientific Club of Creative Development of Youth Activity “KRAM”

K – kreatywność (creativity) R – rozwój (development) A – aktywność (activity) M – młodzież (youth)

Tutors: dr Lucyna Myszka-Strychalska, dr Paulina Peret-Drążewska

President: Olga Włochal


Facebook profile:

The KRAM student club operates at the Department of Sociopedagogical Problems of the Youth. Its activity concentrates on young people who are the object and the subject of pedagogical research and social changes. The members of the Club prepare conference speeches, publication works and are involved in the organization of departmental projects. The KRAM club is about intellectual development, inspiring meetings, acquiring practical skills and learning about effective methods of activating and working with young people during the implementation of projects devoted to activities with and for young people.