
In the area of scientific development, the Faculty of Educational Studies conducts research on the following, marking the space of educational sciences, the field of multifaceted humanistic discourse:

- Psychological aspects of the learning process;
- History of pedagogical ideas;  
- Methodological problems of contemporary educational sciences;  
- History of schooling, education and pedagogical doctrines;  
- Axiological bases of education;  
- Social egalitarianism and contemporary educational challenges;  
- Comparative analysis of educational systems on a world scale;  
- Global education;  
- European education;  
- Multicultural and civic education;  
- Transformation of Polish education in the context of international trends (with particular emphasis on the problems of implementing education reform);  
- Educational aspects of globalisation, transformation and European integration;  
- System of prevention, re-socialisation and readaptation of minors and adults;  
- Social pathologies;  
- Main problems of early school education, cultural and educational pedagogy;  
- Educational contexts of local communities functioning;  
- Media in the process of education and upbringing;  
- The identity of contemporary youth and its social situation;  
- Problems of vocational counselling and guidance;  
- The selective and socialising function of education;  
- Development tendencies of adult and continuing education;  
- Functioning of the upbringing society and the knowledge society;  
- Formation of active citizenship;  
- Everyday life in a modern school;  
- The educational process and its optimisation;  
- Environmental education;  
- Children with disabilities and their functioning in the family and society;  
- Working with gifted students;  
- Revalidation of disabled children;  
- Health promotion;  
- Human sexuality and sexual education;  
- Individualisation of the education process;  
- Social capital shaping.

These topics are raised against the background of historical, socio-economic and cultural conditions. The tasks are related to social needs and serve to improve the didactic process in higher education in the field of Pedagogy.